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'D's in Barcelona: #2

And then it started to get silly. I am not sure that this was the 2nd trip to Barf, it actually felt like the twenteenth. More images of buffonary and drunkeness. This time, you will notice that D3 makes his first appearance on tour (if we don't count Paris - from which there are no images - thank God!). We were also joined by Marty the Party or 'Faceman' and Doofus or 'Do' to his friends - everyone calls him Doofus.

A classic, as I recall - well I wish I could recall it, but err I can't - not even got a clue as to the date!

D3, a lot younger than he is now, looking for errr..Olga - that's it, Olga...yes

Under no circumstance Mr Gibbs should you expose Calvin to the sun for 72hours and then be careful!

Yeah right!

It's love..it really is. And no, this isn't a Gay website...errr

D and Faceman plot the logistics of another 'sting'

D gets so excited when a plan comes together

I'm thinking this is the next day - it looks to sober otherwise. Do and D3

He's not wearing sunglasses...those are his eyes

It's gotsta be the day after - water?

Buffonary courtesy of BA. This is a common theme on this site - thank the lord for lounge access!

I can't believe I travel with such a circus

ok, maybe I can...

"will someone take a picture of me dammit - oh, I'll do it myself then"

The feeling of the weekend...when it was all over..

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